The news is that Clinton has agreed to release her delegates prior to the vote but that Maggie Williams, her campaign manager told them they were free to vote their conscience. To show the depths that the Obama campaign, the DNC and the media have sunk, when news of this leaked it was interpreted and characterized by some in the Obama camp and the media as Clinton potentially trying to sabotage Obama. Think about that.The DNC, Obama and the news media have now gotten to a point where someone voting their conscience is considered "sabotage". Which makes the DNC have a lot more in common with the old soviet Politburo in 1968 than Philadelphia in 1789
If the news of Clinton's decision to release her delegates with instructions to vote for Obama is true, there is always the possibility that Clinton is doing this knowing her delegates will vote for her, at the same time allowing her to avoid criticism from party leadership.
The wisdom of doing that is questionable both politically and otherwise to say the least since had Clinton been willing to stand up to the party leadership on the grounds that it was corrupting the process and was being dishonest she would have had the backing of more than half the party and probably more than half the country. Yesterday
But Clinton's decision if true will change nothing for two reasons: first the Party belongs to its members not the leadership. If the members who support it stop contributing and stop supporting the leadership and the candidates they put forth, the Democratic Party leaders will have to go and in the future there will be a new leadership and a new set of candidates.
And for those concerned about the corruption of principles by the Democratic Party leadership headed by Howard Dean and Nancy Pelosi as well those super delegates whose constituents voted for Clinton but who declared for Obama after taking cash bribes, they can punish those responsible the best way possible -- with their vote.
This is no longer about Hillary Clinton who is free to make her own choices and has to live with them. This election will be about the Democratic Party as an institution and what it stands for and whether a dishonest unqualified candidate with no principles promoted by people with no principles aided by a dishonest inept media with no principles, triumphs or whether they will be dealt an enormous defeat as punishment for their attempts at corrupting the process..That as a matter of what the country stands for as well as the party is as important as any issue facing America.As important as health care is, the country has survived 220 years without it. It would not have survived a day under the kind of corruption we've witnessed by the DNC during this primary season by the DNC.
for the first time in anyone's memory and for the majority of democrats the presidential election will not be about ideology. Its not going to be about health care, or Iraq or the economy or the respective qualifications of the candidates since the Democratic candidate, assuming its Barack Obama, doesn't have any and nothing he says about anything can be trusted anyway.
Its going to be about whether 18 million Democrats who rejected Barack Obama will sanction a corrupt process that sold out Democratic values and principles in their desperate desire to win, while in the process choosing the candidate that was clearly the weakest, the least qualified and certainly the most dishonest candidate to come along in anyone's memory and is most likely to lose, but who fit the agenda of a few.
This is also going to be about one other important idea Its going to be about country ahead of party and principle ahead of party.
This is not something we've seen the last 8 years from Republicans who went along with the most inept divisive, incompetent President in history and let him wreck havoc on the country and kept silent for party unity. Party unity is a Republican idea. its not a Democratic idea. It is also the hall mark of other political systems that are antithetic to democracy.It was Democrats who turned on a Democratic president over Vietnam. and it will be Democrats who will turn against a party that staged a rigged convention that never had an honest moment.
Handing the Democrats a resounding loss in a year that was supposed to be a cakewalk, like a mother forcing a sick child to take its medicine, could be the best thing that could happen for the Democratic Party in the long run. It will make a statement and help ensure that in the future what was seen during this entire process will never be tolerated or seen again and a huge defeat will purge the party of the people responsible.
What these people need to learn is that most Democrats think for themselves and put the country ahead of the party and cant be whipped into line. There will never be unity behind a corrupt system. The fact that Joe Biden said that Obama was ready to be President and lead on day one, shows the depths a politician is willing to sink for the sake of his own ambitions and that of "the party".
The degree to which the majority of Democrats can also punish those in the news media for not only aiding and abetting the corruption of the democratic process will depend on each individual. Nothing makes more of a statement than simply boycotting not only those media outlets who showed themselves to be journalistically corrupt but the advertisers they rely on. If the pressure and boycotts are real they will have no choice but to get rid of the editors and journalists that were willing to corrupt journalistic principles as readily as the DNC were willing to corrupt democratic ones.
Putting the country before party is going to be the next step in this process. For those people who cannot and will not support Obama or any Democratic candidate who supported the corruption of the process, there will be an alternative to supporting an unsupportable candidate and those in the party who in turn supported his candidacy. And that is simply don't for vote for him. That is the way to defeat the corruption that infected the process this year and even if McCain is President, the party could rehabilitate itself in two years and control the Congress.
The fiasco that has been the nominating process this year and the fiasco that is shaping up for the roll call vote has made a mockery of the party of Jefferson,Roosevelt, JFK or RFK. Listening to the tortured comparisons being made about Obama reminds everyone that he has more in common with Eddie Haskell than JFK .
The Denver Group is going to have something to say about this and an announcement will be made soon about the next step and the plan to hold those in the Democratic Party accountable, and to try and effect the kind of change in the Democratic Party that's really needed.
Then Obama will have finally helped to usher in a change people can believe in. Just not in the way he ever imagined.