Arrogance and stupidity are interesting characteristics. Like
nitro and glycerin each by itself, kept separate is relatively harmless. The same is true of arrogance and stupidity. These characteristics in people can’t do much harm as long as they are kept separate. If someone is arrogant but has ability, people will put up with them and things can be accomplished. If they are stupid but humble people will help them and things can be accomplished. But if someone is both arrogant and stupid, when you combine that in a person in a position of power, it's like mixing
nitro and glycerin. Both elements become unstable and it explodes resulting in catastrophic damage.
This is what we've seen unfold for the last 8 years with George W. Bush. And we are still dealing with the damage. And so will the next President.
Barack Obama the same characteristics that caused so much damage during the Bush years are readily apparent. And just to be clear, when I use the term stupidity, I’m making a distinction between being smart and being educated. No one questions that
Obama is well educated. He went to Harvard. No one questions that Bush is well educated. He went to Yale. The Bush administration, like all administrations is populated with nothing but well educated people. Well educated people who made some of the dumbest and most catastrophic decisions of any administration in American History.
Obama's arrogance has been on display for quite some time. After he lost the biggest states in the country by landslide margins on Super Tuesday he declared that essentially it didn't matter because he said he could win those states in a general election. It never occurred to him that the voters of those states, in overwhelming numbers made it clear they didn't want
him to win those states in November they wanted Hillary Clinton, which is why they voted for her in landslide numbers. It seems that when
Obama talked about rejecting the politics of the past he was including something called elections.
His arrogance was also on display in a statement he made which, while not having the tragic ramifications as Bush's most famous misstatement, ranks right up there in arrogance and stupidity with"Mission Accomplished" . It was back in February when he said "I'm confident I can get all her( Clinton) voters but it’s not clear that she can get any of mine". The reality is, Clinton voters on a state by state basis varying from 30%-80%, are saying they will never vote for him and 30% saying they will stay home if
Obama was the nominee. This is the candidate Nancy Pelosi says has the judgment of the President. Which is how you get a 9% job approval rating.
More arrogance and stupidity were on display when he unveiled his fake presidential seal.And that was supposed to do what exactly? Make people think he is presidential? Make him look presidential? Was he assuming people are so gullible they see Presidential greatness in something that looked like it was made by a store that makes bowling trophies? Based on his successes in the primaries maybe he thought it would extend beyond his own supporters. He obviously thought wrong.
But in one simple trite trivial act, that ridiculous seal reveals the workings of a trite mind that thinks small thoughts not big ones, a mind consumed with his own personal ambition and more interested in trappings and his own success, than real ideas. A mind that doesn't think big but tries to fool big, which is why he talks about hope and change but has never been able to say hope or change for what. He doesn't say because he doesn't know. And, as his day in and day reneging on promises and pledges, reversing positions, and double dealing show, he doesnt care.
What he knows is when he thinks something sounds good and assumes that will be enough and that people will swallow it. And many did. But those number are declining fast as people start to wake up and realize it is they've been drinking.
Bush's arrogance came in the form of thinking he knew better than anyone else even when the facts contradicted him. He followed his own judgments which resulted in making catastrophic mistakes and then refusing to admit them. This led to more catastrophic mistakes. And all the while he had a subservient press letting him get away with it refusing to criticize or to see the emperor had no clothes.
Obama has much the same problem as Bush. His arrogance and that of his supporters makes it impossible for him or them to see his own flaws or to want to endure the embarrassment of admitting them. The stupidity of his statements and positions are never questioned by people who dont want to admit they've been had and never saw it coming when so many other people did. Obama also has a mindless and subservient press, the so called cynical, adversarial political press writing for newspapers that cover garden shows with a more critical eye than they did covering Obama. And let's not forget the fiasco involving his own children, when, sounding like an approriately protective father he vowed never to bring in children into the limelight. That event can speak for itself. And so can his explanations following it.
The more you listen to Obama the more you realize that
Obama and his supporters believe an
Obama Presidency is all about him. That's why people talk about Obama supporters drinking the Kool-Aid. What Obama and his supporters dont understand and maybe never will, is that being President is all about everybody
but him.
It takes a lot of arrogance to tell people you are going to run a presidential campaign using public funds and then as soon as it matters, reverse your decision. It takes a lot of arrogance to tell people you’re going to filibuster the
FISA bill if it contains retroactive immunity and then when you don’t need those people anymore not only reneg on the filibuster but vote for the bill in hopes that the
telecom companies will remember in the form of big contributions. It also takes a lot of stupidity to think people wont notice. Or that they wont care.
It takes stupidity to make public pronouncements over such volatile issues as Jerusalem because you want votes from a Jewish audience only to have to retract them 24 hours later when the Palestinians go ballistic and then arrogantly
and stupidly try to suggest that it wasn't you, people just misunderstood what you meant by an undivided Jerusalem. The explanation was just as stupid, claiming that he meant a
Jerusalem with no barbed wire. Given the fact that Jerusalem
hasn’t seen barbed wire since 1948, the next thing he'll tell us is that he's already delivered on his promise.
What just might save the Democrats are their own rules and an open honest convention since neither
Obama nor Clinton won enough pledged delegates to secure the nomination. Howard Dean and Nancy
Pelosi have been trying to sell the dog and pony show that
Obama is the nominee for a month and it’s not working especially among Clinton voters and donors. And it's wearing thin on some Obama supporters and Congressional Democrats too.
Democratic rules say there is no nominee and Clinton is still a candidate. Suspending her campaign is not the same as ending her candidacy. She has not released any of her delegates. And no declaration by super delegates like those coerced by Dean and
Pelosi after the last primary, count for anything until they are cast at the convention where, according to party procedures and rules, they can cast their votes for any candidate whose name is nomination.
As long as Clinton's name is formally placed in nomination which is her right as a candidate, super delegates will have that choice.
But Dean,
Pelosi, Donna
Brazile and
Obama himself are trying to do what they can to try and prevent Clinton from putting her name in nomination though its getting to the point where its going to be close to impossible to do without causing a wholesale rebellion in the Democratic Party which would not only sink Obama but the Democratic majority in Congress as well. Which shows that when it comes to arrogance and stupidity, you'll fnd enough at the
DNC right now to fill a Bush Administration.