Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The news media's juvenile minds over Trump's "schlong" and comments about Clinton.

Always leave it to the news media , especially CNN to miss the point and go for what's cheap meaningless and dishonest.

Donald Trump in responding  (or retaliating in his juvenile way) to Hillary Clinton's lie about Isis using Trump in recruitment videos ( irresponsible and untrue without a shred of evidence to back it up), said something about Clinton taking a bathroom break as being "disgusting", as one more  memorable moment that showed how asinine Trump can be. Maybe Trump doesn't have bathrooms in any of his homes or luxury apartments. Renters or condo buyers should check. But what the news media really focused on ,what really caught their attention, was Trump saying Clinton was" schlonged" by Obama in the 2008 primaries.  

And on CNN and elsewhere they've been snickering and giggling over "schlong" ever since.

First, the real point they missed and what really mattered  is that what Trump said  about Clinton was false.  But the media has been so wrapped up in the word "schlong" that part has been ignored. Instead they kept harping on Trump's comment as " vulgar". 

 CNN was so enamored with the word " schlong" all they focused on in their political segments was Trump's use of the word which naturally, in their grown up way,  they related to a penis. Which shows where their minds are. And their knowledge and accuracy.

When I was 14 and growing up in Brooklyn my friends and I used the word "schlonged" all the time.  And we never used  "schlonged" in any way that  had anything to do with a penis.  No one did. We had enough other words to use for that. And we did.  What "schlonged" meant to us and to everyone else in the neighborhood was getting beat really badly.  Destroyed. No contest. Slaughtered.  Schlonged. We usually used it in the context of sports, professionally or in games between ourselves.  It never had anything to do with a penis which CNN and Wolf Blitzer kept obsessing over (no wonder Blitzer went after Anthony Weiner) regardless of whatever eastern European origins the word might have. No one, at least in Brooklyn (which is all that matters when it comes to the word "schlong")  ever used the word to mean anything other than getting beat badly by your opponent.

Which is what Trump meant. Only it was a lie. As false as Clinton's lie about Isis using Trump in recruiting videos. Which makes Trump a little like the pot calling the kettle black.

But leave it to CNN and others in the news media, first to show the same level of accuracy in journalism and reporting they did in Ferguson and other news stories they get all wrong,  and second to show they have less maturity than my 14 year old friends as they snickered through a 24 hour news cycle at CNN and other places constantly referring to Trump's use of the word "schlonged" in what he said about Clinton and making the penis connection.

What they could have done had they not been so Freudianly obsessed, was  point out that the substance of what Trump said was a lie.  Because  the assertion that Clinton was badly beaten by Obama or even actually beaten at all by Obama in the primaries is false.

The reality is that in 2008 Clinton actually won the popular vote over Obama during the primaries, and a significant  majority of Democratic voters (when you include the votes gotten by lesser candidates ) didn't want Obama to be the Democratic  nominee at all.  Neither Obama nor Clinton finished the primaries with anywhere close to the two thirds majority of delegates needed for the nomination.

It is also a fact that  during the 2008 Democratic primaries Clinton didn't just beat Obama in 15 of the 17 largest states in the country, she landslided him in those states, schlonged him you might say,  by more than 10 points in each state and beat him in the 16th. The only large state  Obama won was his home state of Illinois. 

It shows that Trump can't get his information right and what he thinks is true, isn't.  And when it comes to judgement how can you be president and make good judgements about anything when you don't know what's true?

And that was the story.  How false and badly false Trumps statement was. Which isn't exactly the kind of characteristic and  good judgement most people want in a president.   Especially since we haven't had it for 16 years .But that wasn't the story. "Schlong" was. Which shows how knowledgeable reporters are. And how bad they are at what they do.

Maybe its because no one in the news media including CNN wants to touch the truth or point it out because it  was the news media who aided and abetted Obama during the Democratic primaries and the general election by looking the other way when Obama was constantly caught in a lie. Which was constantly. And the last thing they want to do now is bring that up.

The point is when Trump said "schlonged" he meant beaten badly and the real story is that was a lie.  Clinton won more votes than Obama did. And Trump's comment was as much  of a lie as Clinton's lie about Isis and Trump in recruitment videos.   (Can't anybody here tell the truth about anything?)

So the real point is that Trump showed again he doesn't know what he's talking about and gets his facts wrong,  not exactly what anyone wants in a president.

Trump said that his comment wasn't vulgar. His bathroom comments went beyond vulgar to disgusting. But his " schlonged" comment wasn't vulgar. It was false. 

But despite Trump's statement being false on its face,  CNN for one,  throughout the 24 hour news cycle ignored face value to go for penis value.  Which made CNN vulgar.  And might explain why CNN keeps getting schlonged in the ratings.

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